In Federalist 68 Alexander Hamilton defends the Electoral College.
All in Federalist Fridays
In Federalist 68 Alexander Hamilton defends the Electoral College.
In Federalist #67 Alexander Hamilton freaks out on Anti-Federalists who he perceives as intentionally spreading misinformation.
In Federalist #66 Alexander Hamilton continues his discussion regarding the Senate’s role in the impeachment process.
In Federalist #65 Alexander Hamilton discusses a topic that is currently all over the news…impeachment.
In Federalist #64 John Jay discusses why the House of Representatives is excluded from international diplomacy.
In Federalist #63 James Madison discusses the importance of the United States Senate in creating a national character for the United States.
In Federalist #62 James Madison examines the United States Senate, focusing on its election process and its position as a check on the rest of the Federal Government.
In Federalist #61, Alexander Hamilton discusses why the Constitution’s lack of specific requirements regarding the place of elections is not something the people should be concerned about.
Federalist #60 was written by Alexander Hamilton as an attempt to halt fears regarding the Federal Government’s control of certain elections.
In Federalist #59, Alexander Hamilton responds to criticism that the Federal Government controlled elections to the House of Representatives.
In Federalist #58 James Madison responds to the argument that the number of delegates in the House of Representatives will not increase appropriately.
In Federalist #57 James Madison continues his discussion on the size of the House of Representatives, arguing that Congresspersons will remain loyal to the people who elected them.
In Federalist #56 James Madison continues his discussion regarding the number of Delegates in the House of Representatives.
In Federalist #55 James Madison discusses the number of Delegates in the House of Representatives.
In Federalist #54, James Madison addresses the Three-Fifths Compromise.
In Federalist #53 James Madison elaborates on his previous discussion regarding the election of members of the House of Representatives.
In Federalist #52, James Madison writes about the House of Representatives.
James Madison uses Federalist #51 to explain why the Constitution is written to properly protect the people from tyranny of the majority as well as tyranny of the minority.
In Federalist #50, James Madison discusses why a regular public review of the Federal Government would be a waste of time.
In Federalist #49 James Madison analyses the chance that two branches of the Government might unite against the third to take control of the Republic.